Power Save

Coming soon. Your Power Save account balance grows steadily and automatically with every transaction. And, when you redeem your Z-Bucks in Z-Club, you’ll receive an additional 1% cash bonus automatically deposited to your Power Save account.

The heart and soul of TranzactCard is building long term financial momentum.

Your Power Save balance grows steadily and automatically, building momentum. You won’t have to do anything different, just use your TranzactCard, redeem your Z-Bucks, and you’re on your way.

Benefits of the Power Save


Your TranzactCard purchases are automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar, with the difference deposited into your Power Save Account. Members can opt out at anytime.


Powered by the strongest encryption technology to seWhen you redeem in Z-Club, you'll receive a 1% cash bonus, automatically deposited in your Power Save balance - for every Z-Buck you spend. cure your wallet.


TranzactCard is linked to thousands of locations nationwide that offer a cash back percentage, automatically growing your Power Save balance.

Compound Growth

Without increasing your income, or even budgeting differently, your Power Save balance compounds your savings faster than bank interest rates.

Spend as you always spend. Do as you always do. Make your savings more powerful.

Power Save and its features are not available until official launch – Q1 2024.