Traditionally, “banking” is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits, make loans and transmit money. This includes retail banks, commercial banks, investment banks, and merchant banks. Recently, banking has expanded to online banks and even neobanks. The next evolutionary step is financial momentum banking (Finmo). Finmo represents a generational change by harnessing the power of the financial ecosystem to make banking work for the consumer.
TranzactCard is this next-level Finmo, a unique online banking and financial ecosystem.
Spend as you always spend. TranzactCard, with its proprietary financial ecosystem, multiplies your buying power. With every swipe, tap, or insert of your card you’re power earning, power spending, and power saving. You’re creating Finmo, without adding new income or restructuring the household budget.
Finmo Banking: United States Bankers Association (USBA) defines financial momentum banking (Finmo) as a new, positive social impact approach to banking, providing customers with more buying power, extra savings, and wealth creation options.
We want you to enjoy the benefits of the TranzactCard ecosystem. Becoming part of TranzactCard entails risks, opportunities, and regulatory oversight. Be advised certain functions of TranzactCard are in beta and being developed. TranzactCard is transitioning to another banking platform. Checking accounts and bank cards are temporarily unavailable. Z-Club is being progressively enlarged, tested and refined. The card member referral program, and the Influencer program have not yet begun.
The TranzactCard income opportunity is currently not a franchise. TranzactCard is in the process of registering as a franchise offering in all 50 U.S. States.
This presentation contains forward-looking information and there are no guarantees that the Company’s development of business, projects, and contractual relationships will materialize as projected.
You are cautioned to perform your own due diligence in order to not place undue reliance on this presentation or any forward-looking information. TranzactCard makes no representation as to your income potential nor should you when discussing TranzactCard with others. A Digital Branch Owner’s success depends on many factors including but not limited to his or her skill set, effort, and desire to succeed.
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